Great Animation
The graphics were smooth and well doctored. Some of the peasant's facial expressions (especially around the eyes) did not seem natural and that is why there is an eight on graphics points. However, smoothness and continuity alone could almost merit you the 9 or 10 in graphics.
Someone has already mentioned it, but the physical recording of the voices is a little rough and I think you could do more with the acting itself, with a flash so visually stunning, it felt like the emotion in the characters was sub par.
Also, I would've expected the Lion to sing something a little bit more mellower and for a Bass, not tenor, unless of course it was your intent to create a joke here. In which case it worked and I gave you 4 points for humor.
I get the plot set up, but I crave a bit more character development personally. I haven't seen any of your flashes aside from this one, but from seeing this alone, I don't know the motivations of anyone involved.
Why would the king figure care to see peasants about talking animals? If the peasant knew the king would want to know this, why would he be so taken aback to find a singing lion? Also, the peasant's reaction seems mixed, he seems confused, but abjectedly abandons his goals and leaves. Also, the king decrees that he's done for today is swayed by the gravity of the man holding the pot. There's obviously some signifigance involved there, but the moment is lost because we don't see enough of the king to know that it would take a lot to shake him or if that he is weak and trifling.
I hope that this isn't taken negatively, as I think this is a beautiful flash, but with such talent of animation and music, I would expect the other aspects of a cartoon to rise as well. I sincerely hope that this helps you in your progress.